I’m proud to say, that over the years, I’ve been able to spot game-changing trends well before the mainstream catches on. I saw a significant paradigm shift when Bitcoin first hit the screens – well before it hit the headlines! I wrote my first Kindle eBook about Bitcoin back in January 2014.  It’s called

Bitcoin: Millionaire Maker or Monopoly Money? ASIN B00HZ9TIY8

Here is the link:


Then in October 2014, I wrote another eBook about how charities could use peer-to-peer payments to raise money. Its called

Bitcoin Without Borders

Here is the link:


Now, the next big thing is here – AI.

When ChatGPT launched in December 2022 its popularity shocked executives at big technology firms. The OpenAI application quickly became the fastest to grab one million active monthly users. This smashed previous records set by Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok. By July, chat.openai.com reached 1.8 billion monthly visits. The infrastructure required to keep ChatGPT running smoothly is mind-boggling. These AI apps would not be possible without Blockchain technology. Many smaller Crypto projects are now involved with tasks needed to support AI apps.

I’m currently working on a new Kindle eBook that will reveal the smaller Cryptos that stand to benefit from the huge advances in AI.