Code breaking with Enigma machine

I am an ex-radio telegraphist, ex-archaeologist, ex-financial broker, and orchid grower. In the past, I’ve written numerous non-fiction books on investing and cryptocurrencies and a huge body of web content on Ethical and alternative investments.

I started making my notes for a fictional book back in 1999, but everyday life and work got in the way of writing it.  It’s been on the back burner, but it’s never gone away…

Fast forward to April 2020 and the Covid 19 restrictions stopped my travel business in its tracks. The positive side of this was that it bought me the time to finally do the intense historical research needed to complete my book…

I was deeply saddened when I noticed a flurry of obituaries in ‘The Guardian’ UK. All women in their late 90s, female World War Two code breakers working on Enigma ciphers in Hut 6 at Bletchley Park.

These women and countless others who played significant roles in the code-breaking and radar tracking stations dotted around the UK in the Second World War, need to be remembered. I have made a plot with characters that have fictional connections to real historical events.